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Get To Know Us

We aim to provide optimal health care in a safe and friendly environment.

Our gentle and friendly approach ensures a relaxed and professional experience. Every procedure is undertaken with the utmost care, skill and attention to detail. Emergency dental procedures are also accommodated and we provide an after-hours service.

The Clinic: Meet the Team
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Dr Jameel Desai

BSc (Wits), BDS (Wits), PDD (Post graduate Diploma in Dentistry) (US), MDent (MFOS) (Wits), FCMFOS (CMSA). Maxillo-Facial and Oral Surgeon.


With over fifteen years of surgical experience, Dr Jameel Desai is constantly seeking to advance his expertise, knowledge and experience so that he may provide patients with the latest modern advances in Maxillo-Facial and oral treatment.

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Dr Coelette Smit

BChD (Pret), MBChB (Pret), MSc (Pret), DipOdont (Oral Surgery)(Pret), MChD (Max.Fac.Chir-Med)(Pret), FCMFOS (SA). Maxillo-Facial and Oral Surgeon.


Both medically and dentally qualified, Dr Coelette Smit thrives to present and develop cutting edge treatments. Her fields of interest include facial reconstruction, pathology and trauma using the latest technology to improve facial aesthetics and function.

The Clinic: Photo Gallery

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